Existing Market Participants as well as MBA Finance Students
Asset/ Portfolio/ Fund/ Hedge Funds Management is a very sought after profession in financial markets. Managing millions of dollars belonging to clients is a big high. Although all profiles in Financial Markets come with high degree of responsibility, the job of Portfolio/ Fund Manager is of the highest responsibility.In this course we equip Fund Managers with skills that help them manage these fiduciary responsibilities.
The course starts by helping participants understand some important Financial theories like the Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, behavior of Stock returns etc. and then examines the concept of Market Efficiency and Active Investments. We will see how Investment Modelling is done. We will examine how and why Asset Allocation is performed and why it is so important. We will also see how investment risks are measured in any portfolio/ fund.
Because Portfolio/ Fund Management involves timing the market, we will also cover Technical Analysis in detail starting from Trendline Analysis to Moving Averages, MACD, Momentum based Techniques and Candle Stick Charting.
We will understand the legal aspects involved in setting up and running funds and some important aspects on managing it. We will also examine what Hedge Funds are and how do they operate and invest in various countries. We will also understand details of NAV based approach and Units based approach. We will also understand derivatives in more details and understand the various instruments used for hedging and how fund managers practically hedge.
Finally, we will extend our understanding to Behavioral Finance and understand how and why it plays an important role in Fund Management.
Delivered online and in class through 1 to 1.5 hours lectures, three to four times a week. It is a one month program but only after you have completed a month of equity research program. Hence it becomes a two months program. Lectures are delivered online as well as in class depending upon the option chosen. The online lectures are NOT prerecorded lectures. Discussion is tailored depending on participants grasp of subject matter and doubts are clarified immediately. True learning happens when participants participate in questions raised by other participants and understand solutions.
Yes, this is a certification program. Certificates will be allotted to students after completion of this program. Two certificates (one in Equity Research and one in Asset Management & Hedge Funds for those who complete the two month program.
Participants going through this course can expect to get placed in Portfolio Management Companies, Mutual Funds, Investment Banks, Brokerage Houses, Banks, Hedge Funds and other Financial Institutions.
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