Existing Market Participants as well as MBA Finance Students
Although there are millions of Equity Investors, there is huge demand for Equity Research Analysts. They are continued to be employed by Full Service Brokers, Mutual Funds, Portfolio Management Companies, Research Houses, Financial Institutions, Credit Rating Agencies and Proprietary Trading Houses.
In this course we don’t just focus on Financial Statement Analysis and valuations etc. We train participants to become a good equity Research Analysts by teaching them key skills needed to separate wheat from chaff. We emphasize on dynamic aspects and take a top down approach from Country Analysis, Economic Analysis to analyze whether the business is facing head wind or tail wind etc. and then teach how to analyze a company and place it in the context of investment opportunities at that point of time.
Some other aspects that we study are Sector Specific Modeling, Practical Modeling, Valuation techniques etc. Our approach will be very practical and we will actively apply our learning to the market. We will also understand the philosophies of other successful investors like Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Benjamin Graham and Peter Lynch etc. We will also try and understand how portfolio modeling is done and how every instrument in the portfolio is important.
We also cover some elements of Technical Analysis starting from Trendline Analysis to Moving Averages, MACD, Momentum based Techniques and Candle Stick Charting. This is an invaluable course too from understanding Financial Markets perspective and becoming a well groomed, complete Finance & Equity Research Professional.
It is a one month program delivered online and also in class. These are NOT prerecorded lectures. Discussion is tailored depending on participants grasp of subject matter and doubts are clarified immediately. True learning happens when participants participate in questions raised by other participants and understand solutions.
Yes, this is a certification program. Certificates will be allotted to students after completion of this program.
Participants going through this course can expect to get placed in Brokerage Houses, Banks, Hedge Funds and other Financial Institutions.
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